April 15, 2011

I need your help, please?

Hi everyone !!

I just had a question to where you could find the reveals at 9th & Bloom. Well, you can find them in the store when you go to the page of the grab bag you want to check out and see the detailed previews. Most of the grab bags are revealed that way.

9th & Bloom just released lots of grab bags and I need your help to reveal them. I might buy a few of my favorites and add them to this blog but I can't buy them all so if you have bought a grab bag over at 9th&B, send the previews here. Thanks ever so much!

update: I spoked too soon. I just checked out the grab bags at 9th&B and I noticed that the grab bags have all been revealed by the designers so no need for me to add them here.


March 05, 2011

Amy Stoffel March Extravaganza Grab Bag

Yes, I have a reveal for you. I guess you are surpised. The reveal is Amy Stoffel March Extravaganza Grab Bag:

This bag is priced at only $2.99 and inside you will find the next 6 items:

I think this grab bag is great value for money!


March 04, 2011

March !

I can't believe it's March already. I am so sorry for neglecting this blog like this. It wasnt my attention. Sometimes life gets in the way of certain things. I'm back and hopefully a bit longer this time. I hope you can all forgive me and just send me a lot of reveals so I can update this blog.


December 17, 2010

DDE Holiday Idea Notebook

Hi! It's been a while since I've updated the reveal blog. Reason? I just didn't receive any reveals. I am thinking about removing the blog but I might have a poll on my blog to see what you all think. Now for my reveal. Here is the reveal of DDE Holiday Idea Notebook:

This bag could be yours for only $3.00 and inside you will find these items:


November 06, 2010

Geek Chic Scraps November Commercial Use Grab Bag

And here is my last reveal for now. If you have bought any grab bags that I haven't revealed yet, I would appreciate it if you could send them to my here. The last reveal is Geek Chic Scraps November Commercial Use Grab Bag:

The price of this bag is $4,00 and inside are these items:



WM [squared] Designs & Fiddle Dee Dee Designs 2010 DSD Collab Template Grab Bag

Yes, I have more reveals for you. My next reveal is WM [squared] Designs & Fiddle Dee Dee Designs 2010 DSD Collab Template Grab Bag:

The price of this bag is $4.50 and inside are these 4 items:



WM [squared] Designs 2010 DSD *CU* Grab Bag

Here is the reveal of WM [squared] Designs 2010 DSD *CU* Grab Bag:

The price of this grab bag is $4.99 and inside are these items:



WM [squared] Designs 2010 DSD *PU* Grab Bag

Yes, I have more reveals. My next reveal is WM [squared] Designs 2010 DSD *PU* Grab Bag:

The price of this bag is $4.00 and inside are these items:



MBH CU Grab Bag 8

Here is the reveal of MBH CU Grab Bag 8:

This bag will cost you $4.00 and inside are these CU items:



LorieM Designs November PU Grab Bag

And here is the reveal of LorieM Designs November PU Grab Bag:

This bag is priced at $3.50 and inside are these items:


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If you have any previews of grabbags you want me to add to this blog, send the previews to grabbagsrevealed @ gmail.com.
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