October 17, 2008

Birgit Kerr October Grabbag

Birgit Kerr has released another one of her wonderful grabbags and I am glad to say that I just received the previews of the grabbag in my mailbox. Here is the reveal:

This grabbag has a price of $3.50 and Birgit has put 6 brand new items in it:

October 15, 2008

Lori Barnhurst Something to Smack About 3

I have to say that I love the name Lori has given her grabbag. It's another one you asked for, Lori Barnhurst Something to Smack About 3:

I can't find anything to smack about at all. It might not be your style but that's another discussion. This is what you get for $3.00:


Vera Lim October Grabbag

You have requested this and here it is. The reveal of Vera Lim October Grabbag:

Vera's bag contains 5 new items for $3.00:

Are you tempted to pick this one up?


p.s. previews are clickable again.
October 13, 2008

The Digi Twins Grabbag No. 6

Can you tell I am in a rush? No time for chitchat but here is the last reveal of today: The Digi Twins Grabbag No. 6:

This grabbag will cost you $3.00 and you will get these new items:


Mimilou October Grabbag

Here is the reveal of Mimilou's October Grabbag:

For $6.86 you get all of these items:


Armina Designs October Grabbag

I finally found some time to update the blog. Here is the reveal of Armina Designs October Grabbag:

This grabbag is only $1.99 and for that you get this full kit:


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If you have any previews of grabbags you want me to add to this blog, send the previews to grabbagsrevealed @ gmail.com.
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