October 04, 2008

Clever Crow Nest Egg No. 2

Last grabbag of the day. Clever Crow Nest Egg No. 2:

For $3.00 you get 6 new items:


Janet Phillips Supersized October Grabbag

You asked for it, here it is Janet Phillips Supersized October Grabbag:

I only received the previews of her supersized bag so I can't tell you what's in the normal sized grabbag. For $4.00 you get 5 new sets of templates:


Micheline Martin October Grabbag

I just found the reveal of Micheline Martins October grabbag and I am pleased to see she opened her own store.

I had to check the price twice. Micheline is selling this grabbag for only $2.00 and it has 5 new items:



I just found out that I can't get the previews of the grabbag to open in a new window. Not sure what is going on. I am so sorry about this and hopefully I'll be able to fix this soon.


TracyAnn Lucky Dip September 2008

I have a few things to post today so here goes. First is TracyAnn's September Lucky Dip:

As usual this grabbag is packed full with new items:

September 28, 2008

Happy Scrap Girl Designs Grabbag #2

And here is another ScrapMatter grabbag that I am going to reveal. Happy Scrap Girl Designs Grabbag #2:

I just realized that today is the last day you're able to buy the ScrapMatters grabbags so if you like what you see, you'd better shop.


Britt-ish Designs 1st B-Day Grabbag

I had a request to reveal Britt-ish Designs 1st B-Day Grabbag and here it is:

For $3.00 you get 4 new items:


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