September 04, 2008

Janet Phillips' September Supersized Grabbag

I found the previews of Janet's September Supersized Grabbag in my mailbox:

Inside the supersized grabbag you will find 5 new sets of templates. I have no idea what's inside the normal sized grabbag. Could anyone let me know?

September 02, 2008

Meredith Fenwick Back to School Bag

Meredith Fenwick released her latest random bag of scrap. This one is called Back To School:

For $5.00 you will get 7 brand new products:

September 01, 2008

Mama Mia September Grabbag

September is here and that means new grabbags! Before I reveal Mama Mia her September Grabbag, please, do not forget to send me previews of grabbags you have purchased. I'd rather receive previews lots of times then not at all. Back to business. I received previews of Mama Mia's new grabbag in my mail and here is the reveal:

For $2.00 you get 6 items:


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