November 29, 2008

Scrap Orchard December Mystery Mega

A lot of you have been asking about this so here it is. Scrap Orchard December Mystery Mega:

As always, this Mystery Mega has lots of items in it:

November 28, 2008

Ellie Lash Grabbag

This is a new designer to me but I do like the items she has in her grabbag. Here is the reveal of Ellie Lash Grabbag:

The grabbag contains the following items:


MickeyB Designs Black Friday Grabbag

I know a lot of you are going to shop like crazy today with the Black Friday sales. Designers at ScrapMatter have added Black Friday Grabbags to the shop. I think that is a great idea. Here is the reveal of MickeyB Designs Black Friday Grabbag:

In this grabbag you will find these 5 items:


Janelle Gustafson December Lottery Ticket

At After Five Designs there is a new ticket. This time it's Janelle Gustafson December Lottery Ticket:

This bag is a combination of digital & hybrid products:

November 27, 2008

JenLin's Winter Grabbag

The second reveal of today is JenLin's Winter Grabbag:

For $3.00 you get a seasonal themed grabbag (I am loving those at the moment) and here is the content:


ON Designs X-Mas Grabbag

I know a few of you have requested the reveal of this grabbag and here it finally is. The reveal of ON Designs X-Mas Grabbag:

The price of this grabbag is $4.00 and in my opinion, it's well worth it. The christmas kit is beautiful. Check it out:

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