September 13, 2008

Gina Cabrera DDE September Idea Notebook (Anniversary Edition)

Yes, that is a long title. I was really excited to see the previews of Gina Cabrera DDE September Idea Notebook (Anniversary Edition) in my mailbox because I always love her notebooks and I have to say that this is another winner (imho). As soon as I have published this post, I will be buying this myself (UPDATE - I did just buy this and I wanted to let you know that the grabbag also contains a coupon for $3.00 off your next $5.99 purchase).

This is what Gina has put in the September Idea Notebook:

September 12, 2008

[ksharonkdesigns] September Grabbag

[ksharonkdesigns] released her september grabbag today. The bag sells at Pickleberrypop and Two Little Pixels and it's yours for $3.00. (at Pickleberrypop the bag is only $2.62 after conversion, thanks for the tip). Here is the reveal of that grabbag:

There are 6 new products in this grabbag:

September 10, 2008

Mickey B Designs September Grabbag

Mickey B Designs has released a September Grabbag at Digital Candy:

In her grabbag she has 5 new items: two kits, an alpha, 'add a date' elements & a template set. The price for this bag is $3.00.


Rina Kroes September Grabbag

Rina Kroes September Grabbag is stuffed with 10 new items! I really can't believe she is selling this grabbag for only $2.98:

The reveal:


Redju Commercial Use Grabbag 1

Redju has released her first Commercial Use Grabbag for us. It contains 6 new items and the grabbag has a price of $5.00:

Here are the previews of the items in Redju's grabbag:

September 08, 2008

Designs by Colie's Corner Grabbag

Colie's Corner has realeased a grabbag. This is her very first and I think she did a great job:

For $3.00 you get two kits, a paperpack and grungy frames:


Jennifer Miller Get to Know Me Grabbag

I hadn't heard from this designer before when I found the previews of her grabbag in my mailbox. I checked out her store and it looks like she creates templates. Here is the reveal of her Get to Know Me Grabbag:

For $3.00 you get these 4 items:

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